Friday, September 16, 2011

Joburg's best kept secret - 44 Stanley

At least that's how 44 stanley's website describes it...  This is a cute little complex that has a lot of specialty shops, restaurants, boutiques and art studios set in a series of industrial buildings.  We are extremely lucky that it is just behind our office building.

I actually was taken there by my manager on my first day to work to visit the VoVo telo which has the best bread ever and is a very cute cafe with a beautiful patio area.  I then ventured there one day to pick up a sandwich from a store called boot (it was also quite delicious).  (You can refer to earlier posts for all the food pictures).  And then as I was compiling my travel plans for the next few months the other day, I realized that this was at the top of the Nicole's list of things to do in Joburg.  (I also found that it was quite easy to describe where my office is when I say that it's near 44 Stanley when I met people at Kanya's  baby shower).

So the other day I finally wandered over to 44 Stanley not for the sole purpose of getting a sandwich but to take some pictures and spend some time in the specialty shops.  So without further ado, let's let the pictures tell the story:
Looking at 44 Stanley

It reminds me a bit of our distillery district in Toronto

A boutique store that looks expensive

Looking into a furniture/decor concept store

This is one of the outdoor patio/cafe area - boot is to the right where you can get yummy sandwiches

walking deep into one end of it, towards bean , the fancy fair trade coffee shop

Here's the coffee shop - felt kinda bad going in to take pictures since all they serve is coffee and i don't drink coffee

A dying wasp that was struggling to get off the ground
furniture store

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You must ring bell to get the gate to open

I went in here, very cool store that sells artistic creations and random stuff

walking towards the other side

another furniture store

The room at 44, looks fancy, i should try it some day

Beautiful patio area for one of the restaurants

VoVo Telo - cute cafe with delicious bread that's apparently owned by some ex-Bain consultants, I come here all the time for my lunch and breakfasts! We're so lucky to be so close =)

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