Sunday, July 13, 2008

Meeting up with old friends version 1

Saturday July 12, 2008, 11:43 am

It was my second real day in Hong kong post-Shanghai and I’ve decided to hang out with my friend from chestnut 1st year, Hayley tsang. She wanted to go to the Next stop U of T event which was for first year students who are about to start at U of T in September to network with alumni. It was supposed to happen at a restaurant called Madison at Hutchison Building. So Hayley and I decided to meet at Central station at 1:30pm. So my first alone MTR experience was pretty stupid. I first went to Price Edward station.. thought I was supposed to go on the red line and go to yau ma tei direction to transfer onto the mongkok red line to get to central. But, realistically I could just go directly on the red line and go right to central. So I waited until the train came and went to a different platform. It was kinda stupid.

So I found Hayley at the J exit, and then we found these really really cute things made by some guy named Cheapman. It was so cute and I couldn’t resist to take pictures. We got to the place and found our name tags. When I saw April’s name I gave her a call but she was actually not going to go that day. Instead she told me David woo was going, so I actually found him there. Then Hayley and I and David just stuck around talking all day since none of us wanted to meet new people really. The speech part was boring and the place was a bit stuffy. The food was really good but the games were a bit lame. They were also a bit disorganized, as the part I was waiting for didn’t happen (go into your groups to answer more specific questions). We were also really tired standing around.. sigh

Then we decided to leave and go walk around for a bit. David and Hayley walked with me to the H&M on queen’s road central, but I couldn’t really find the dress and didn’t want to bore them. Then we walked up the pedestrian escalator and got the octopus card discount. Then went back down to take the MTR to causeway bay. My feet were pretty dead by then so I requested that we find a place to sit down. So david brought us to a place called pancakes something on the 4th floor of Kimberly plaza. A drink was like 28 dollars and a meal was like 30 something plus 5 for a fancy drink so we got 2 drinks and a blueberry pancake. We were having a good time talking about random things and then went to walk around before dinner at “ban chang” sushi (itoya?). It was very yummy. Hayley’s friend “illy”? came and joined us for dinner. Then we walked around causeway bay for a bit more before we went to honeymoon at WTC (world trade center) for dessert. Then illy was very nice and decided to drive us all home.

But it was really fun, we decided that we should meet up again. Hayley and I want to go shopping and not bore the guys next time. I want to bring Hayley to the bag store since she’s interested in the bags. Then David said he’d take me out to play, so that’s cool. We also want to go sing K.. and he said he might be interested in Taiwan or Thailand. So yay travel buddy.

I need to go figure out my Singapore flights and then book them book them and then figure out vietnam too. Busy busy.. Need to also figure out the gifts situation and probably call my uncles tomorrow (uncle Leon and uncle keith)

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