Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 11: yuyuan+ urban planning museum+ lots of shopping

the ambitious plan was to wake up at 9am today and explore shanghai.

However, we ended up sleeping in till about noon and then headed straight out to yu yuan where we lined up for nan xiang xiao lung bao (soup-filled dumpling). This store always has a queue and it's located in the center of the yu garden. We finally had our share of soup filled dumplings and it was absolutely delicious.

Yu garden was also beautiful. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to go in and check out all the different parts of it and all the different buildings with really touristy names like : "The corridor for appraoching the best scenery", " The pavillion of Ten thousand flowers", " the pavillion of viewing frolicking fishes" etc. But we managed to take some pictures of really cool and traditional looking chinese architecture around the area. It was gorgeous and I think if i have time another time i'd definitely go inside yu garden. I've also made two seals for me and my brother with our chinese characters on it and bought postcards of Shanghai. Tea leaves was also part of my purchase as I bought some lichee black tea originating from guang dong.

Anyways, at about 3, we headed over to the Shanghai Architecture and Urban Planning Museum. It's actually the really cool shaped building inside people's square. There was a very beautiful golden revolving display in the main floor of all the special architecture of shanghai. It was beautiful. The best display, though, was on the third floor where they had built a model of every building of the area of shanghai. It was super impressive and definitley breathtaking. The amount of detail was insane. It was so lovely that I couldn't stop taking photos of it.

Then Shanghai decided to rain while we were inside the museum so we had to make plans accordingly. Good thing was Raffle city (a shopping center) was right across the street. We dashed across the scary crosswalk in the rain and settled ourselves in a place called "breakin" It was a great dessert place and I paid 36 RMB (~5 CAD) for a dessert special and got 2 tropas (a strawberry cheesecake with vanilla ice cream, and a lychee with ginger jelly) plus a lychee tea. Min and Ashley got the 56 RMB special (~8 CAD) for a Souffle and a super yummy molten lava chocolate cake with vanilla bean on top and a cool coffee. I fell in love with my dessert and that store for sure.

We then went to min's new favourite store JNBY and everything was on sale for 40% off. I got a really nice black dress (unfortunately not on sale for ~ 435 RMB) and a pair of white heels (580ish plus 40% off) and a belt at (160 40% off). The dress was beautiful. Then we headed over to huai hai lu to check out the pedderred there but it was rather disappointing. Instead we ended up at H&M where all of us got Andrea's pretty dress. It was so cheap and i ended up getting a shirt and a belt with it. i want to see if my cousin can help me get that dress in black in hong kong as there were no sizes at that store anymore in black.

Dinner was randomly selected at the mall we hit up next where there happened to be an all you can eat japanese buffet for 150 RMB a person including unlimited drinks (alcoholic too). It was super yummy and Min and Ashley kept getting plum wine. They had wanted to go check out a bar/club called Sugar (which is decorated like Alice in Wonderland) but decided we were too tired to do that tonight.

Anywho, i really should finish up my photos upload and head to bed so that I won't zombie up for school tomorrow. Overall today was fun.. but I spent a lot of money... the good news was both H&M and JNBY took credit card, otherwise i'd really be in trouble.

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