Tuesday, July 29, 2008

HK again - book fair and b+ab

Went to the bookfair today and bought tons of books with MMM.
There was quite the line up to the convention center even during a weekday.

It was also today that I decided to buy that b+ab bag.. and i've done something that no other HK locals would do.. I started off being in TST and went to the b+ab store.. It didn't have the colour that I wanted so I went across the harbour to Central to check it out there at that store.  They also didn't have it and we got them to call around to ask for me.  they located stock in TusenWan.  Since there's an MTR line that goes from Central to TsuenWan, i decided it was okay to go there.  And so I took another 30 mins to travel there only to find that it was not the right purse... Since I'm an unproductive person in hk and was not in a rush to go anywhere, I asked them to locate stock for me again.  This time they found it at another TST location... so i went there and found it..

Yep, i decided to take a grand tour of HK via the MTR today...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Last Day in Singapore

Having came back from BK last night, it is my last day in SG.

SG is a beautiful city and I definitely didn't see enough of it.. must come back one day!

Thanks to my gracious host Min <3 xoxo

Bangkok- Day 2 and 3 : Shopping sums it up

CHaktuChak was quite the scene! It was totally worth it to wake up at 6am to get there ;)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Bangkok- Day 1: hotel Tai pan, Grand Palace and Wat Pho

Flight was bumpy from Phuket to bangkok on air asia. We went to the airport with Mr. Chit, our awesome taxi driver from yesterday since we couldn't find the first one.

In bangkok we stayed at hotel taipan which I would highly recommend. Its buffet lunch was super yummy (see pix)

I then decided to go visit the grand palace myself (min's been there before and she wasn't feeling too well so she took a break at the hotel.  I took a cabbie for 200 THB, which would have taken an hour at that time in the day because of BK's terrible traffic.  The driver suggested taking highway so an additional 40 THB toll to get there in 30 min which I took his offer up on.

The grand palace wasn't as crowded as i thought it would be. First lined up in the wrong line where people were renting clothing for 100 THB per piece (well borrowing since you get your money back) like a sari to wrap around your bottom, big pants for guys and shaws for ladies wiht their shoulders exposed. Being appropriately dressed, i just looked like an idiot lining up for the wrong line.

Admission prices also went up from 250 THB to 300, but oh well you have to pay for it since you want to see it. And it was worth every penny of it. It was so big, and so much to see it took me forever to relate my top 10 guidebook map to the one they gave me. It was so glittery and pretty and very glam. Definitely can only be described as grand and elegant. Thai people can go in for free, so a lot of kids were there on a school trip.

After spending about an hour there, I decided to head over to Wat Pho which was number 3 on my guide book list and very close by. The entry fee was only 50 THB since it's the oldest temple in thailand. It was another maze and i had completely missed the reclining budda until i finally oriented myself 45 minutes later. In the process of that, some Aussie guy was showing his creepy side again. He asked if i would go pretend to be a goalie in a soccer net where the little kids who are schooled inside the wat pho have their playgrounds. So i said no thanks, but i offered to take a picture of him (even though he has friends) and he just insisted.. so i smiled and walked away. Why are all the aussies that we're meeting in thailand so strange?

Anyways, the reclining budda was HUGE and it was very grand again like everything else in thailand. We had to walk from its face all the way to its legs, then around its back and then exit. Along its back you can donate some money and get a bowl full of coins (i think it's 1 satang (cent), which does not get used anymore) and you get to put one into each of a whole row of jug things that collect them. I think if you get to the last one that means you're very lucky. I ran out about 10 from the end... so i guess i was not that lucky. I should look up what it actually means.

Then i saw the fruits that the cable ski guys shared with us yesterday, they said in thailand they call it longkong, it's like a longan like fruit but the fruits are in little slices. Min said they call them Baluku (or something) in singapore. The lady originally asked for 40 THB a kilo then i walked away. Then she offered a bag of it for 20 THB. I don't even know if it's a kilo.

anyways so they weren't lying when they said bangkok traffic is bad, it took me 1 hour to come home. The driver was so bored, he started clipping his nails.

Now we're waiting for kally to arrive and then probably hit up one of the malls and get a massage to fix our sore sore necks and muscles from cable skiing and do some shopping!

oh on a side note, the aussie guy that min met last night, came by our room at 5am knocked on our door scarily and apparently wanted to say goodbye. He gave up finally when we refused to open the door and decided to call instead. Trust me it was strange....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

rainy day and cable skiing

Today was a rainy day in Phuket, but that didn't change our desire to participate in extreme sports!

Min and I got a taxi driver and went Cable skiing for the first time.  I think she's done it before, but it was definitely my first time... Needless to say, I was not good at it.. (in fact, we got an amazing video of me going head first into it).  So to back up a bit, let's describe cable skiing.  Cable skiing is a type of water sport like wake boarding except you're pulled around by a cable and there's no wakes.

The place that we went to was in a little still lake (with very very dark water...=\) Once you're geared up, you sit at the edge of this dock and get hooked up to the cable.  The cable goes around the lake in a circle and you'll be given the signal to get ready once the cable pull comes near, then off you go!  The take off is usually very jerky and you have to have very good lower body strength (something that I don't have) to get into position to "ski"...

Min did a lot better than I did, and after around 10 tries, I decided I just didn't have that talent...  I then sat around and had this amazing exotic fruit called long kong.  It's like a cross between longan and lychee and looks also somewhat like a mangosteen.

Because of the crappy weather, we decided to take it easy for the rest of the day and hung out at the hotel (Min did ALMOST take us to go ATV-ing...)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Phi Phi Island, Kuai and Samui Island

We woke up extremely early this morning to catch our complimentary breakfast which was awesome and lots of selection at our awesome hotel Burasari.

Then the driver for the tour company came promptly at 8am to pick us up. We then got stuffed into this crammy 10 seater mini van and was off to pick up other ppl who also signed up for the tour. We drove across Phuket to the east coast and was dropped off at a place where we were assigned boat numbers. Each speed boat carried about 22 people. I paid 100 THB to get a pair of flippers thinking that i'll probably need them eventually since i don't like stepping on ocean floors.

We then went on the longest and the most choppy boat ride ever to phi phi island. We first went to phi phi ley, where there was a beach and lots of tourists. We stayed there for about 40 minutes for some swimming and just enjoying the sun. this was where the film the beach was filmed which starred leo dicaprio. Then it was a boat ride photo opportunity at the phi phi ao lang (or something) where it's a natural wonder of rocks? (what they said was more exciting, maybe i'll wiki it one day and add to this post). Then we went to the bat cave aka viking cave, where people live there to collect bird's nest. They said they have to live there to wait for the opportunity as it's really rare (i think this is yin wor, swallow's nest). Their living area looks very sketched.

Then we were driven over to Phi Phi Don, the main island. We first made a stop at Monkey bay where the guide warned us that we'll have to be rushed over to the hospital if scratched. Anyways, we decided not to get off the boat and just watch other tourists outnumber the monkeys in that section. Then we were at this place called maya bay for snorkeling where we snorkeled for 40 minutes. We decided to use life vest which was the best choice since it helps you float and minimize efforts. Then the guides were very excited to show us nemo, which i ended up didnt' see very well since my mask fogged up coz i couldn't stop breathing through my nose. I did manage to see something that vaguely resembled a clown fish so i'm just going to assume i saw it. I liked the fish and the corals but i really didn't like them too close to me.

We were then driven to the main area of phi phi don where we had lunch, a buffet lunch, at which point i was kinda sea sick, dehydrated, choked on sea water or whatever... so i didn't eat too much. There wasn't too much on the island except some hostels and bungalows. After that we were driven to kuai island where we spent the afternoon snorkeling with bright yellow fishes and when in deeper water more exotic fish. We were told if you go further you see better looking corals and possibly even sharks (actually they are observable, we just didn't end up going). The guides promised that sharks don't bite in warm water, but we just got too tired, heat stroke, sea sick to actually go there and look at them. This was also where toilet cost 20 thb a use, and they sell you pictures of yourself in frames as souvenir for 300 THB (i got it coz it's nice). Anyways, the guide was telling us that the secret was to the name of the island "P. P. island" so you can figure out how you can save the 20 THB. Kuai means egg and apparently the island looks like an egg so that's y, the green is the yolk and the white beaches is the egg white.

After 2 hours of frolicking in the water, we went back to phuket, and this time it only took 20 minutes. We were then driven back to our hotels. Min and i decided to go chill by the pool to wait for the pool's 1 for 1 mojitos special where some aussie guy started chatting us up. Then we went back to our room after more mosquito bite grossness and a sudden unexpected shower. And at about 8pm we went out for our adventure to find food for the night.

We ate at this place on the parallel street called dang, or something, and i had authentic pad thai which was super yummy. On the way, I also picked up a young coconut for 25 THB which was also super yummy, highly recommended.

We then went for a thai message at a place called welcome message. Thai message for 1 hour cost 200 THB which was super cheap like (6 CAD). It was so good. We've gotta go back for an oi message or something. And to think, the last time i had a thai message plus some body glow wrapped in honey thing cost 160 CAD, this was a great deal. Gotta do more tomorrow!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Super yummy seafood at phuket at coconaot

so yummy

curry crab
garlic crayfish
fried oysters
prawns that were huge
morning glory veggie
and two coconuts
so good

all for 920 THB a person

I'm so full right now I can't write in complete sentences.. yum

at Phuket!

We took a taxi ride from airport using taxi meter for 450 THB

The hotel that we're staying at is calledburasari hotel which is on the same road as holiday inn and beside the new mariott.  It was very very close to  patong beach.  It was themed in purple and very cute and resort like.  The pool was amazing.

We went around to look for tours and signed up for a phi phi island tour tomorrow

Monday, July 21, 2008

Meeting up with the Bainees

After a day of wandering on Orchard road and the various Singaporean malls along the strip, I accomplished the following:

- had hoi nan chicken rice
- green tea mcflurry at mickey D's
- went to margaritas on dempsey hills and had margaritas (mango) and fahjitas with the bainees
- and then drinks over somewhere and i had a coconut

Met a bunch of very cool Bainies from SG ;)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Day 1&2 in Singapore!

I got to Singapore just in time to celebrate Min's birthday.

Upon arrival, I was taken immediately to the Butter Factory (a club).  It was quite cute and I met a bunch of Min's cool friends.

The next day we went to the white rabbit for lunch.  It was a beautiful restaurant that was in a church like building.  Ashley gave us a ride in her porshe and we took a glimpse at her dad's ferrari.

In the evening, we went to Clark's Quay's pump room for dinner (walked past that clinic like club) and ended up at indo chine lounge and then the butter factory again to continue the celebration.  There was an interlude of a cardboard box incident.. it was quite interesting

Thursday, July 17, 2008

packing for singapore

oh what to pack what to pack what to pack!

i hate packing

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

a relaxing day

hmm... the end?

Monday, July 14, 2008

blowing money at shenzhen

YEP... there seems to be a theme on blowing money when I'm in HK...
 I suppose it's because things are just so much cheaper than in Canada..

But this is even more exaggerated when I went to luo wu cheng in ShenZhen...I think i bought a lot of clothes, dvd series, shoes (for like $5 cad)... and had great food (cheap and yummy)..

ShenZhen's subway system is also very modern...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Festival Walk shopping and singapore trip plan

I went to Festival walk today to do some shopping (Because it's a short minivan ride from where I was staying)..

And finally, I got my tickets booked for SG!! SG here I come!

Meeting up with old friends version 1

Saturday July 12, 2008, 11:43 am

It was my second real day in Hong kong post-Shanghai and I’ve decided to hang out with my friend from chestnut 1st year, Hayley tsang. She wanted to go to the Next stop U of T event which was for first year students who are about to start at U of T in September to network with alumni. It was supposed to happen at a restaurant called Madison at Hutchison Building. So Hayley and I decided to meet at Central station at 1:30pm. So my first alone MTR experience was pretty stupid. I first went to Price Edward station.. thought I was supposed to go on the red line and go to yau ma tei direction to transfer onto the mongkok red line to get to central. But, realistically I could just go directly on the red line and go right to central. So I waited until the train came and went to a different platform. It was kinda stupid.

So I found Hayley at the J exit, and then we found these really really cute things made by some guy named Cheapman. It was so cute and I couldn’t resist to take pictures. We got to the place and found our name tags. When I saw April’s name I gave her a call but she was actually not going to go that day. Instead she told me David woo was going, so I actually found him there. Then Hayley and I and David just stuck around talking all day since none of us wanted to meet new people really. The speech part was boring and the place was a bit stuffy. The food was really good but the games were a bit lame. They were also a bit disorganized, as the part I was waiting for didn’t happen (go into your groups to answer more specific questions). We were also really tired standing around.. sigh

Then we decided to leave and go walk around for a bit. David and Hayley walked with me to the H&M on queen’s road central, but I couldn’t really find the dress and didn’t want to bore them. Then we walked up the pedestrian escalator and got the octopus card discount. Then went back down to take the MTR to causeway bay. My feet were pretty dead by then so I requested that we find a place to sit down. So david brought us to a place called pancakes something on the 4th floor of Kimberly plaza. A drink was like 28 dollars and a meal was like 30 something plus 5 for a fancy drink so we got 2 drinks and a blueberry pancake. We were having a good time talking about random things and then went to walk around before dinner at “ban chang” sushi (itoya?). It was very yummy. Hayley’s friend “illy”? came and joined us for dinner. Then we walked around causeway bay for a bit more before we went to honeymoon at WTC (world trade center) for dessert. Then illy was very nice and decided to drive us all home.

But it was really fun, we decided that we should meet up again. Hayley and I want to go shopping and not bore the guys next time. I want to bring Hayley to the bag store since she’s interested in the bags. Then David said he’d take me out to play, so that’s cool. We also want to go sing K.. and he said he might be interested in Taiwan or Thailand. So yay travel buddy.

I need to go figure out my Singapore flights and then book them book them and then figure out vietnam too. Busy busy.. Need to also figure out the gifts situation and probably call my uncles tomorrow (uncle Leon and uncle keith)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Back to HK

Day 19: Last day in Shanghai

lunch at bi feng tang
and then bookstore
and then dinner at overrated italian place
and babyface

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 15, 16- In Hangzhou

On Sunday, we took the morning train from Shanghai to Hangzhou. It takes only about 1 hr and 20 min on the express train to get there. Apparently the speed of the train hovers about 140 and can go up to 180 km/h. We unfortunately missed our train in the morning since they open the gate 15 minutes before departure and close the gates 5 minutes to and we had no clue. So we had to switch our tickets for a later train and hang out the shanghai south railway station, which was luckily not too crappy. (Although i had some guy blowing gross cigarette my way which sucked ass)

Anyways, upon arrival at hangzhou we went to the frommer's recommended hotel and it was a bit sketched. Not only that, the service lady was very aggressive, we didn't like it so we went to a diff one that we looked up on the internet (westlake spring something or other) and decided to stay the night for 198 RMB.

Then we headed across the street for a bit of food since the both of us were starving. It was sorta sketched but they were really nice so we just stayed and ate a bit of stuff. We then took a cab to the westlake and went to the linying temple to check out the feilaifeng (giant rock) and the temple itself. There were a lot of tourists but it was definitely worth a visit.

Then we headed up to the village where they sell long ching tealeaves called long ching wen cha (long ching ask tea) and bought a bunch of long ching tea. Apparently the name of this tea was coined by one of the emperors of the qing dynasty.


龍井問茶 在獅峰翁家山

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 14: French Concession + Ding Tai Feng

Today was the hottest day we've experienced in Shanghai so far. It was so hot that we really didn't want to do anything at all.

We ended up walking around French Concession on Rui Jin Road and Mao Ming Road.

Then we had dinner at ding tai feng where they had caricatures of hong kong and taiwan stars so I took lots of pictures

we topped dinner off with 2 scoops of Hagandaaz ice cream. It was yummy

Hangzhou tomorrow. It should be exciting

Friday, July 4, 2008

Day 13: Bain Office tour + more shopping

Kun Hsu, a consultant at the Bain Shanghai office was nice enough to take some time out of his busy day to meet up with me. We were to meet up at noon at the Bain office which was located on the 31st floor of the 2nd tower at plaza 66 on Nanjing West Road. It was actually just down the street from the school and where we live. So we ended class at 11:30 and took the afternoon off. So then, I walked over and the Bain office was located in such a beautiful and upscale building. The office itself also had a great view around where the partners offices were. Apparently they only recently moved into the new office a year ago, and i think it's great.

Kun took me to the restaurant across the street called Paul. I had a salmon sandwich and he had a croque monsieur. It was very yummy. We had a very good conversation about many different things, his background (grew up in Toronto, U penn, Insyed for MBA, and then shanghai to learn mandarin.. his parents used to live in taiwan). He was a very cool guy so hopefully we'll keep in touch and he can come visit the Toronto office.

After lunch, I walked home and it was so hot today. I was all sweaty by the time i got home so i ended up taking a shower before i went to meet up with the girls. We met up at "tao bo" mall which was at 580 Nanjing West Road (at chengdu road). It was a mall filled with fake bags and it was quite exhausting going through them. We ended up buying a bunch of longchamp bags for 40 RMB each (~ 6 CAD), then we kept going around trying to find this purplish red colour in the medium size for ashley. It was very exhausting as every single lady asked if you want to go in and look and if you want to buy bags, it was noisy and annoying...

Then we headed over to the fabric market where min showed me her satin shirt store and I ended up getting 5 shirts. It was crazy cheap as they were 110 RMB each (~<20 CAD). So then I went and got fitted for my jacket (which looked great on ashley, since she got the same one) and my grey suit which also looked awesome. Then I decided to make a pinstripe back with a fishtail skirt one (another suit). Then we walked over to the chinese-y bag store and bought more little things as Ashley know the guy. It was very cheap which ended up being about 25 RMB each. I still have to look for a magnetic clutch for mel mel though. We'll try again on Tuesday when i go back to pick up our tailored clothing.

We want to take it easy tonight in case we want to go out clubbing since stupid clubs here close at 4-5am... anywho i should see what the girls want to do. There's also class tomorrow... i also want to skype home

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day 12: Meeting up

We went to laris again tonight and now i'm super exhausted.. going to blog tomorrow

(At a later date)

So today I was finally able to locate Miss Dong (my dad's colleague's daughter) during break time. Apparently she opens a small hair dresser in a place where it is 1 hour by bus to where we are. She was out with a friend for a couple of days (out of town) and that's likely why i wasn't able to locate her earlier.

Anyways so she came out to meet me for lunch and we had lunch at "bi feng tang", a hong kong chain store. It's pepper fried chicken soft bone was super awesome and so was it pumpkin dessert. I absolutely loved them. She treated me to lunch and said it'd be cool to meet up next week and take me to try out harpin food as she's originally from there. Pretty exciting. She also told me that the north eastern food of China's most famous dishes is the sour preserved veggie pot that my family loves and a mushroom chicken dish. She was a very nice girl and apparently she's had her business for about 5-6 years. Very impressive.

Min wanted to head to the fabric market again so she left class early. So i took the opportunity to ask xiao xu lao shi to help me out with words that i always get confused with and get some individual attention to fixing the problems.

After class i went to the starbucks at xin tian di (new heaven) to meet up with the girls and some of ashley's friends (david, park and joseph) when she was on exchange here. We headed over to shanghai uncle again and had another awesome meal there. Then headed over to laris again since it was 2-for-1 martini thursdays. Min found her bar tender again who apparently's name is cross and has funky dark rimmed glasses. He also remembered her so he gave us much more alcohol in their second drinks. Then some of joseph's friends came by (charlie, jon from NY and uda from morroco) they were really cool too. But at that point i already had my 1 martini (another lychee one which was much stronger than last week) and was not a very social person. We played a bit of 5-10 in french, mandarin and english and then called it a night.

I realize that the shanghai sun is giving me so much tanning even when i'm not even doing much.. anywho i should start working on today's post.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 11: yuyuan+ urban planning museum+ lots of shopping

the ambitious plan was to wake up at 9am today and explore shanghai.

However, we ended up sleeping in till about noon and then headed straight out to yu yuan where we lined up for nan xiang xiao lung bao (soup-filled dumpling). This store always has a queue and it's located in the center of the yu garden. We finally had our share of soup filled dumplings and it was absolutely delicious.

Yu garden was also beautiful. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to go in and check out all the different parts of it and all the different buildings with really touristy names like : "The corridor for appraoching the best scenery", " The pavillion of Ten thousand flowers", " the pavillion of viewing frolicking fishes" etc. But we managed to take some pictures of really cool and traditional looking chinese architecture around the area. It was gorgeous and I think if i have time another time i'd definitely go inside yu garden. I've also made two seals for me and my brother with our chinese characters on it and bought postcards of Shanghai. Tea leaves was also part of my purchase as I bought some lichee black tea originating from guang dong.

Anyways, at about 3, we headed over to the Shanghai Architecture and Urban Planning Museum. It's actually the really cool shaped building inside people's square. There was a very beautiful golden revolving display in the main floor of all the special architecture of shanghai. It was beautiful. The best display, though, was on the third floor where they had built a model of every building of the area of shanghai. It was super impressive and definitley breathtaking. The amount of detail was insane. It was so lovely that I couldn't stop taking photos of it.

Then Shanghai decided to rain while we were inside the museum so we had to make plans accordingly. Good thing was Raffle city (a shopping center) was right across the street. We dashed across the scary crosswalk in the rain and settled ourselves in a place called "breakin" It was a great dessert place and I paid 36 RMB (~5 CAD) for a dessert special and got 2 tropas (a strawberry cheesecake with vanilla ice cream, and a lychee with ginger jelly) plus a lychee tea. Min and Ashley got the 56 RMB special (~8 CAD) for a Souffle and a super yummy molten lava chocolate cake with vanilla bean on top and a cool coffee. I fell in love with my dessert and that store for sure.

We then went to min's new favourite store JNBY and everything was on sale for 40% off. I got a really nice black dress (unfortunately not on sale for ~ 435 RMB) and a pair of white heels (580ish plus 40% off) and a belt at (160 40% off). The dress was beautiful. Then we headed over to huai hai lu to check out the pedderred there but it was rather disappointing. Instead we ended up at H&M where all of us got Andrea's pretty dress. It was so cheap and i ended up getting a shirt and a belt with it. i want to see if my cousin can help me get that dress in black in hong kong as there were no sizes at that store anymore in black.

Dinner was randomly selected at the mall we hit up next where there happened to be an all you can eat japanese buffet for 150 RMB a person including unlimited drinks (alcoholic too). It was super yummy and Min and Ashley kept getting plum wine. They had wanted to go check out a bar/club called Sugar (which is decorated like Alice in Wonderland) but decided we were too tired to do that tonight.

Anywho, i really should finish up my photos upload and head to bed so that I won't zombie up for school tomorrow. Overall today was fun.. but I spent a lot of money... the good news was both H&M and JNBY took credit card, otherwise i'd really be in trouble.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 10: Taking it easy day

We were really tired in class today, but we thought we'd take advantage of classes with our pin yin teacher and take classes until 4. Lunch was nothing special as we went to yoshinoya for jap fast food and went home quickly to say bye to Andrea.

After class, we were originally going to hit up the Duo lun Cultural street but then decided it was a bit far away and to postpone the trip when we go back to qi pu street. So instead we went to get dinner at Westgate mall again in their food court where I had an awesome hot pot something or other. It was very yummy as it wasn't too saucy or oily. Then we went up to show Ashley the shoes that Min fell in love with at ped red. They have a huge sale on right now and things were from 10% to 70% off with an additional discount if you buy multiple items. So we all bought a pair of shoes: mine were 939 with a 60% off discount plus another 15% so it added up to 307 RMB which is about 45 CAD - a pair of super cute black kitty heels that I can totally wear for work.

Then we went over to the bund again in the attempt to catch the cruise. We got there at 9:15 and bought our tickets at what we thought was hp river cruise. They told us to come back to the ticket counter at 9:40 so that we can catch the bus to where the boat leaves the shore. So when we got back, we saw a bunch of people waiting at the side of the road. We were like it'd be really bad if this was a bus tour of the bund and not a boat cruise, it'll be our 3rd rip off of the trip. Luckily, after taking us through one of the most sketchiest street in shanghai, the bus dropped us off in an alleyway that led to the dock. We boarded the boat, and it took them forever to leave the docks. In fact, the bank side, so the west side of the bund had their lights off even before our boat started moving. Then after awhile, the TV tower (Pearl of the Orient) also went off *grrr*... oh well Min and I still had a good time just enjoying the breeze and looking at the buildings, which looked very out of place and a bit creepy with their futuristic design and foggy surroundings. we can finally see the jin mao building, the tallest building, and a bunch of very empty residences along the huangpu and the unlit colonial style bank side of puxi (west side).

Even though our river cruise experience wasnt the best, it only cost about 98 RMB per person which is about 14 dollars. It was still a must do and I definitely enjoy breezes.

Tomorrow we took a day off school and was supposed to head to suzhou to check it out. But we've decided to stay in town, in shanghai to do the touristy stuff. The day should begin with lining up for xiao lung bao at nan xiang and then yu yuan. Followed by the urban planning museum, possibly the shanghai museum. Some walk around in the french concession, possibly heading back to huai hai zhong lu... and I really need to call that person. Maybe i should call her in the morning and see if I can plan to meet her on thursday.

Anyways, happy Canada Day to those at home!~