Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 7: Qi Pu Lu shopping CRAZE!

so we went to the long waited for Qi pu lu to shop. Min had really wanted to go market shopping since forever and we finally made it there today. The shops opens from 5am to 5:30pm since they do wholesale activity in the mornings and then individual retails (or to rip off tourists after about 9am).

We got dropped off at this weird looking place which was kinda sketchy looking. Apparently, we started off at the newer place, where there were less store but still the same amount of sketchy people asking if you want fake bags.

The `personal shoppers`or whatever were saying they recently got searched so they are being a bit more careful right now. We were able to hit up some places and bought some fun stuff and our first try at bargaining also succeeded quite well. The skillful haggler is to be prepared to walk away from anything that you`re not willing to pay for and start much lower than where you want to end up.

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