Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 3: Shanghai - WE Moved!!! June 24, 08

moved into skiiline hotel which is right beside the school, super convenient and free internet! woot~~

Lunch was KFC today which i haven't had for like forever... because they have a very chinese-sized menu here. I had a peking duck like chicken wrap and papaya egg tart. The wrap was great and the meal was only 20 bucks

After classes ended at 3 today, Min and I decided to go home and enjoy the internet for a bit and take a break. Then we headed out at about 5ish to hit up some of the shopping areas in the Jing An area. We visited the jiou gong bai ke (city mall), the 66 plaza, the shanghai center and also the west gate mall. not to mention shopping along nanjing xi lu. The shopping centers have upscale shops but things arent too too cheap. I managed to still spend about 1725 on 8 piece of clothing.... I decided to stupidly pay in cash because i didn't want to carry the money around... but what i really should've done is to put it on credit card.. oiy... i'm such an idiot... i really just have to watch what i spend from now on and not buy as much. I still have ye to find postcards... and a way to mail them... i guess that will come as we visit more places...

going to catch up on my shows through streaming now... i'll write more tomorrow~

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