Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Leaving on a jetplane ... again....

Happy 2012!

It has definitely been awhile since  I have updated this blog. It is now 2012 and unfortunately I was not able to clear up my backlog before the new year hits.   However, I thought it'd be good to skip ahead for a bit (sorry for those readers who prefer things to be a bit more chronological) and write about how I feel right now before I forget it and the post quality deteriorates (which i have started to notice when I talk about my South African adventure after the nth time since I have been back)...

My "visit" home

I came back to Toronto from Joburg on the 17th.  And I suppose that because I'm leaving again so shortly (in fact tomorrow), it feels like I was visiting as supposed to coming home this time.  (Like everyone else who comes home for the holidays). 
Since I have been back, I've been trying to spend time with family and catch up with friends.  There is just simply not enough time (I would like to take the chance here to apologize to anyone that I didn't end up meeting up with or cancelled on).

Embarking on another journey...

And now, it feels like I'm not quite ready to leave again.  First of all, I'm still somehwat unpacked (which will need to change in the next few hours), and I will need to be repacked.  The semi good news is, like a well- trained procrastinator, I have figured out what the plan of attack is.  So that when the execution happens, it should be as efficient as possible with the motivation of sleep as a reward.  
The other thing that also helps give comfort is that this time the destination is Singapore.  I must say, when I was going to South Africa, the element of unknown (of not knowing what is available) made packing a bit more difficult.  However this time, I feel quite comfortable knowing that I can probably just buy anything I forget to bring (it will not be good for my budget, but o well).
I must say it is a bittersweet feeling to be leaving again so soon.  I guess there should be certain level of excitement as well,  as many have told me that this will be one of the best years that I will ever have and I did look forward to being a student again.  (People have commented on this comfortable, contented glow that I had since I came back - well being not working and stressing over the holiday season and equipped with a tan helps give off that impression).   I guess it just feels a bit too soon, having just been back for 2 weeks...
It also doesn't help that I don't really have a return ticket...

Looking at the year ahead...

One of the things that will help ease this is the weather.. I will likely be leaving minus 12C (or feels like -25C 
or something due to windchill) to  place where the temp stays between 23 to 32 all year long.. The only catch is the humidity.. but still that's not too bad.. right?

I will first be stopping over in HK for a mere 1.5 days and then arriving in Singapore on friday the 6th.. where I will likely be spending the first four months of 2012 for my first two periods of study at INSEAD.  Hopefully by spring time (when the weather is nice), I will be able to exchange to our French campus and experience the French countryside.   There is a possibility that I might look into South Africa again for the summer (or somewhere else depending on the location of  a summer internship opp).  Finally, I will be spending sept to dec in Singapore to finish my degree.
I am excited to for new experiences and if you happen to find yourself in one of these places next year, please do not hesitate to give me a shout! I look forward to having visitors!

The future of this blog...

Well, as I have already alluded to it, I owe this blog a couple of posts from the rest of my South African adventures and some Canadian adventures during my short stay back...
There is currently no plans to change the nature of this blog to cover my experiences studying as an MBA student, but I do plan to write about living in a foreign country and visiting its nearby countries/regions ;)  Hence, please stay tuned for the missing posts on South Africa/Canada and the future ones on Asia and Europe ;)

And as I've always noted, please leave comments, I love hearing about what you think!
Until next time...

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